OH my, I've been gone a long time! i thought my account had expired , but it did not! yeah! i saw the new probot video recently, it was marvelous. Lemmy and suicide girls, delish!
A new year tomarrow, feelin' alittle old! I haven't set any new resolutions though, except to keep my head together this year, and to get my daughter to stop whining so much! Oh yea, also to not be so negative, my husband calls me Anikin, he tells me to mind my thoughts. I told him I liked the Dark Side.....
I just joined the site, how amazing to finally see gorgeous women with some sass get celebrated. I'm so sick of barbies being doted over. I'm almost 30 and I remember when I got called all sorts of horrid names for being punk rock, it was not so accepted. To be beautiful and smart and kick ass just scares most people I think. I've definitely... Read More
Welcome back !