My most embarrassing moment came on my 7 the grade school field trip to Washington, DC. 4 boys in a hotel room. They started talking about wet dreams. Understand that I had no clue what a wet dream was but I said that I had already had my wet dream anyways. They started to ask my when I had it. I panicked. I told them...
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Hahahaha!! It always seems like those types of conversations start with wet dreams.
Hope you're doing well, rubblerocks. Have a good New Year. :)

So the tumor in my hip is a sarcoma and it's spread to my lungs which means it's a stage 4 (out of 4) I meet with the docs next week to discuss specifics of treatment. I think it's gonna start with chemo... At this moment I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed; kind of like looking up at a mountain and thinking "oh shit. I've got...
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Good luck man. That's terrible news to hear.
Bro I love your attitude keep striving I'm sure you'll be able to get over this. Stay awesomely strong! Keep fighting!

So I came home Thursday. It's been almost three weeks in the Hospital. Surgery took almost 11 hours. I spent the last week and 1/2 on the rehab floor which helped gain some strength back. Issues now are I can't move my right foot at all and I've lost some other movement in the leg. I'm using a foot brace to prevent foot drop and...
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Don't we all have some kind of hill to climb or another. Agreed. I hope you feel better soon and have a good recovery. 
Hey, just wanted to check up on you. See how your recovery is going and if all is well. 

OK, it's official. I'm getting my surgery on Monday. Have to be at the hospital @ 6AM. I can't believe I'm looking forward to having my back operated on. I wonder if SG is on Android yet...

So I went to the neurosurgeon yesterday. I have a tumor at my L4 spine growing out of the nerve opening causing weakness, pain, loss of motion with my lower right leg. Doc says they have to cut away part of the vertebrae and remove tumor. Hopefully there will be no nerve damage and then spinal fusion. Which scares the hell out of my because...
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Thanks again dude, by the way I really like your drawing with the big gears
Good luck with the surgery. Hopefully your surgeon is a competent one.smile
So I have this genetic condition call Neurofibromitosis which causes bumps and tumors to grow both inside and outside the body. This is what's been causing my sciatica issues; I have a tumor growing around and into my spine. I see a brain doctor to talk about I'm assuming spine surgery. So that's what I've got going on.
Thanks. I go see the neurosurgeon on the 24th and go from there.
What Moparhyde said. I'll keep you in my thoughts on the 24th.smile
OK. Basically same shit different day. I am still dealing with this sciatica bullshit. I've tried the chiropractor for a while. No change so I'm done with that. School taxes coming up and it's going to be a bitch. I took over my Grams house last Aug. so I'm going to have to pay not only for the upcoming year but also retro back to...
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OK, so it's been awhile. So I hurt myself. I thinks it was the piriformis which sent pain down my hamstring and now it seems to have migrated to the hip itself. Even the groin seems to hurt a bit. this has been an ongoing problem for about 2-3 months now. I've been doing some stretching but not nearly enough. I have fallen off the...
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I've considered myself graduated from the Couch 25K running program early as I have been running 5Ks now for the last 2 weeks. So woo hoo now I just have to run. My goal now is to get faster. I've also started to make my own bread. It is so easy with the machine and I have a good recipie from Mom. gonna start substituting...
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I absolutely need to up my fitness! I do go on Fitocracy fairly regularly, check out the groups etc, but I'm full aware that I need to get my ass into gear! Grats on the 5k's by the way. I bet when you started you didn't think it would happen so fast, but you've done really well! Keep up the great work smile
So I just ran my first un-official 5k. 3.3 miles actually in 42:24. That would be my longest run and my fastest as well. And th last mile of which was in the rain. I feel so freakin awesome! And it's only 8 in the morning and I'm just getting warmed up!
Ok. I think my Grams might be haunting the house. About 2 months ago there was a very large thunder and lightning storm. I had closed the door to her bedroom but when I walked past her bedside light was on. By itself. Last night I heard some thunder off in the distance and I then noticed that the same light was on. She was...
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Week 5 Day 2 is in the books for the Couch to 5K. Day 3 is a 2 mile run. Yikes!!!! I just might do that tomorrow because maybe doing a 2 mile for the first time, on a Monday, before work, just might be trouble. I feel
fan-fucking-tastic! I run slow, about a 13 -14 min. pace but I feel I can do that...
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I'm checking it out right now!!! thanks so much for the heads up, it sounds awesome! smile
and grats on sticking to your fitness plan too!!!!! biggrin