- on Guardians of the Galaxy in comics
- on naiser's blog post
- on jthebarber09's photo
- on nerdmachine's photo
- on rubblerocks's blog post
- on kirbie's photo
Ok, not really cause I still need their internet. But I bought an digital antenna and so far its working. Had to move it around the house to get a good signal but now I have several more channels than I had with basic cable including some Canadian channels. Can anyone say hockey night in Canada?!?! Fuck Yeah!!!
Plus I now have a Roku. I...
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Just got back from the doctor. The tumor in my lung is smaller and the tumor in my hip while it is slightly bigger has what the doc called a "dead spot" in the middle. And nothing new is growing. So like the groundhog I've got 9 more weeks of chemo to hopefully make some more progress. So I'm happy with this. Who's got the...
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First drawing I've done in months. Feels good. @kirbie what'cha got for me?
I like to draw but it's been months since I've done anything. So tomorrow I will draw and post something new. If I don't I give full and complete permission for you all to kick my happy hairy white ass!
So I had planned on going back to work on Monday but I got a call from my boss today...
A little background. This past year and a half my company has grown. I'm talking tripled in size. We are a Swedish company and they hire a CEO from the home country who apparently mismanaged everything. We are so in debt. They're trying to save...
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Generaly the worst moments of my day are when I first wake up because my brain starts working and I start to think about shit. When I get up and start my day things get better bit those first moments are shit. Maybe I'm doing something wrong if I'm not looking forward to my day. There are things that I want to do like draw...
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I don't know how interesting it is but here we go...
I am German on my Mom's side. The family came to America in the mid-1800's. I think it was my great great great Grandfather ( might be missing a great in there ) worked in a factory and developed problems with his lungs so they moved to the country and became farmers. Apparently my...
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Bro-hugs for everyone; unless you have boobs. If you have boobs then you get a real hug; but I'm keeping all the chocolate for myself, sorry 'bout that.
So I'm sitting in the clinic getting my chemo and this was my playlist...
1) Rolling Stones- Exile on Main Street. Does anyone remember when you actually listened to the whole album start to finish? This is a classic for a reason. What great fucking music.
2) Hatebreed- Supremacy. Again the whole thing start to finish
3) Woody Guthrie- You heard me. Don't know what...
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My hair started to fall out rather rapidly so instead of waiting I cut it off. I actually used a beard trimmer instead of paying a barber $15. It might look like crap but it will all fall out in the next week or two anyways.
Holy shit!!!! I look like a fucking serial killer!!
OK. Those little bumps on my skin are from a
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I just finished the Battlestar Galactica series on Netflix. I know there's a word for the "depression?" one feels when they come to the end of a series. Overall I think it was pretty good. Now I guess the next on the list would be the Caprica prequel.
On a lighter note my hair has started to fall out due to the chemo. I've trimmed...
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