so my stalker ( who i call my love pet) has called my cell 9 times in the last 4.5 mins wow if that doesnt scream love i donno what does :0) so today was my first time in a star buck .. i was fucken lost i just looked at the chick behind the counter and sai umm y boss wants frappa sumthign with vinilla and carmel in it .. wow diden't every one in the place trun and look me .. ok i don't know the fucken lengo !!::ATTENTION:: look at the fat girl who never been at star bucks and stare right into her eyes ... this has got to stop so tomrrow i am gonan go inthere order the same thign and i am gonna keep doing it untill ppl get the hint that if you wrot ein english i wouldent look soo stupid plus.... coem on making the coffe sound better than what it actuly is is a fucken crime ....just like 7 11 should name there coffee shit in a cup cuz it taste like shit fuck id buy at least i know what i was getting in to .......i have foudn that sisting naked on my pourch makes my ass tighter it now part of my exercise rutine
![ooo aaa](