what the hell is up eith all high school lesbians shave there damn head what fucken statement are you making i guess i just don't understand ur a high school and u shave your head look mom no hair i dig chicks?
i mean i went through high thinking i was gay and i still had hair i mean it was short and every color but shit i had hair and i thought i was gay untill i realized that i am just fucken greedy and enjoy a good thrusting fuck!
in other words the girl on the l word i can't remeber her name i really like her hair:grin:thats my rant for today !
i mean i went through high thinking i was gay and i still had hair i mean it was short and every color but shit i had hair and i thought i was gay untill i realized that i am just fucken greedy and enjoy a good thrusting fuck!
in other words the girl on the l word i can't remeber her name i really like her hair:grin:thats my rant for today !
All hippies have iPods. Not all iPods belong to hippies.
You're in altamonte too? You hang out anywhere local? Yeah, you're right about bar-b-q bar. Thanks for writing