So I have two people working on the art for my chest piece, its so weird to actually have this thing thats been stuck in my head actually come to life. Scary too a little. Its going to be expensive, but thats just a given. Probably going to hurt like hell (if I get Dutch to do it) but that is only fitting I think. Its going to be near my heart which is just sappy as fuck and between my breasts which is just wrong and also fitting lol. Other than that my time back in San Diego has been a bit uneventful, this heat wave is killing me . Been able to spend plenty of time with my little cousin, Id missed her more then I realized. Um been trying to get some work done (writing wise) failing miserably but did get some really good glamour pictures done of said cousin, so at least Im getting something done lol. Dont know I think Im really going to chain myself to the comp tonight and actually get a few pages done.
cool cool, good luck lovely lady