Spent all weekend revamping my site, pretty much tore it down just to build it all back up, in a very amateur, doing things the hard way, type way. So after doing all that and finally getting it back up and running I am kinda proud but mostly sleep deping. Becerotica is a site that has Adult themed informative and playful blogs; Toy box (reviews...
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Wow its been a busy week in a half to say the least x_x. The apple turnovers did turn out great though that at least I can say, everyone including myself were thoroughly impressed. Since then Ive gotten pretty bold in expanding my culinary skills and silently I keep waiting for the day when I eat something I make that makes me wish I didnt...
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oh my gosh!! i need to try this recipe!!!
i love food network!!!
i love food network!!!
Its been a sobering week hence why Im not, dont have to work tomorrow so I indulged in some bourbon, I like it neat. Any bit of child in me (and apparently there was some left) grew up totally this week, and that isnt a bad thing just kind of sad. I can only claim to have fallen in love once so far as my...
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It's ok that you looked him up. We are all curious creatures. You just wanted to know what happened.
Sounds like you have grown.
Sounds like you have grown.

Has this ever happened to you...you are getting ready to try out recipe; excitedly you start to gather all your ingredients, checking back and forth with the recipe until you come across that dreaded word...buttermilk. If you are anything like me, you rarely have buttermilk in the fridge, and you really don't want to put everything away and head to the store, never fear here's...
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When it comes to sexual orientation Im the one (amongst many) that is stuck in that grey area. Both sides, gay and straight seem to be fixed in their stances in which the bi side isnt really seen as anything other than as someone being confused or pressured. But if someone can love and or be attracted to a person despite their gender why is...
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Thats a lot of thinking...
It was an interesting time yesterday and just makes me want to get to San Diego all that much faster, funny how spending a few hours on the phone with K.K can do that to a person. We took a small trip down memory road which started with me teasing her about lusting after some emo lead singer. In a normal context that wouldnt be...
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Welcome back to SD!
If I was smart I would stop this now and save two people from getting hurt in the end, but with everything Ive been called, smart really isnt one of them. So Im trying to reserve myself to the fact that I am going to get deeply hurt (unfortunately) and maybe even end up hurting the other party, bright side is that when Im hurt...
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Okay a few glasses of wine (no worries I dont have to work tomorrow) and a long talk with KandyKid has left me feeling happy yet very insecure. Of course I was finally honest with her, that whole slumming thing was bullshit and only came up because of the last person I slept with. Sadly enough I respect my former lovers enough to state this,...
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Tonight after sitting through a truly awful horror movie, and making my two and only friends out here in new mexico watch Bill Hicks stand up (thank you Netflix) I realize I dont have a drug story (good or bad) damn its enough to make me feel almost innocent. A.U. told his stories and so did Dee, yet all I had to add to the...
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That's one way of saying things.