Aeryn requested the poem that I wrote that was recently accepted for publication, so here it goes:
Freeport Cemetery
Two grass-grown ruts led in.
Moss covered the names
of the dead,
blotched the face
of a granite angel
like a rash.
Most here died
when lives were short.
There are no
tiny flags
or plastic roses
to decorate graves.
Sharp-voiced crows claim
theyre the caretakers now.
There are no
next of kin.
I've been writing and rewriting for about five years, so I'm glad it finally found a place for publication.
Freeport Cemetery
Two grass-grown ruts led in.
Moss covered the names
of the dead,
blotched the face
of a granite angel
like a rash.
Most here died
when lives were short.
There are no
tiny flags
or plastic roses
to decorate graves.
Sharp-voiced crows claim
theyre the caretakers now.
There are no
next of kin.
I've been writing and rewriting for about five years, so I'm glad it finally found a place for publication.
VIEW 27 of 27 COMMENTS opinions...I get told that all the time.
Deconstruction gets under my skin. It merely consists of someone projecting their own neuroses on a text. Why would I wanna listen to someone bloviate about a work of literature when I can watch a Woody Allen film? I don't even like Woody Allen!
The school work isn't going at the moment--stick a fork in my brain, it's done for the week. I need a break sooooo bad, cos next week is gonna be HELL.