Went in for a job interveiw... man its been so long...
I forgot how uptight Human Resource Dpts. are...LOL...
I almost thought I was getting a real job, not a job as a cook...
Well to top it off... I don't think I got it... Maybe to extend my cooking knowlage, a Resort ain't the way to go...
I got an interveiw with a Country...
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BNS (a.k.a Salamander)

Fuck you
Fuck them
fuck all
fuck it
but it always
ends up to be
Fuck me! skull
Awww, thank you!

your welcome smile
Well I been here in AZ to long time to go home to MICH for a visit... Thing aren't looking great for me, but there is always some hope...
Radio show turned out alright this week...
I am about sick of everyone asking me why I got fired... Because I have no clue...
Oh well.. Life goes on...
I thinking of heading back up to...
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