Well working Midnight is seriously killing my desire... for anything... I get home hit the playstation and sleep... I had two days off and did nothing but smoke cigerette drink kool aid and my radio show... And fuck it didn't even come out like i wanted it to....
This is my life and why it sucks... lol... I need a hobby.... shocked
do you play pool?
Yes to pool ( not very well though )

And I am not sure of the picture I'll break out the DVD this weekend and let you know!...
Well all is said and done.... Ozzfest 2nd stage great except jada pinkets Wicked Wisdom.... they sucked ass... Arch enemys lead singer says they are awesome, but well lets say not everyone can be right all the time...
Bury your Dead... awesome
Zombie... awesome
Gizmachi - awesome
the rest average, but worth the cash...
I left after the second stage.. main stage had nobody of...
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Well as the job goes I work with a bunch of power hungry manager trainies... I mean I am suprised no one says shit back when they talk to these sheeple like they are nothing... I be damned if they are gonna talk to me cook jobs are a dime a dozen...

Ozzfest this week... let out some aggression to the second stage.. But the...
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Why it seems clicks are in at the radio station another was just banned... This sucks that they have ni tolleration for any that are or speak diffrent... I am getting bored of this shit and am thinking of moving on... Been checkiing out diifrent Sites... None seem as freindly as the rs666 I once was part of... This new rs666 is getting PC and...
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dude, y do u feel you need to leave us
Well fighting what the fuck ever I caught was fun, add that to argueing with Sara and what do you get? Two kick ass shows done and tons of music dwnloads... Man what I wouldn't give to met a girl that acts like a girl.... LOl... Back to work tommarrow just so I attach myself to the computer or my bed... This crazy thing of...
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years upon years
back where the misery started
surrounding and embedding in the brain
hitting like a plague
self-destructive women
their constant complaints
an abundance of empty souls
kept a dream intoxicated
alcohol abused situations
hatred of the emptiness next to me
heated blood overwelming
keeping quiet
head down
mouth shut
tortured souls use me as a pillow
til they...
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Back in MI.... it's cold but good to be home again...
I been getting my stuff Straight since I came home... alls good in BNS hood.... Finally...
I'll tell you what.. i been to alot a chat rooms through forums, and Sg chat room is full of assholes... Prolly the only thing I don't like about this site...
These mother fuckers aim and try to insult people... Well I am not into that... but the rest of the site is cool as fuck... I never understood why people act harder than they...
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not everybody does that, most people r cool
yeah... but i must say... I gave it another change previously and it seems to be the theme in the chat here... I still enjoy the site, and stay away from the childs play!
Well I all packed and ready to go...
Back to Detroit for Halloween...
I cannot wait, I fly back home Sun. and am staying til Nov. first with my freind Kim and Mike... A.K.A Will and Grace...

I sick of the phone calls asking when I am comming home...
So I'll be glad to pop in and suprise everyone...

The only thing know is to...
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words turn to visions
visions cause the heat
you place the black words across the screen
my head goes to the next scene
impaled with beauty form text
a glimpse of your soul
no touching
no caressing
empty space
left for desire to grow
longing to feel your breath
glidding down my neck
warmth of embracing
the depth of eye gasing
jolted from night slummber...
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Aussie is fun smile where are you from? i cant undersatnd on your profile? whatever hmmmmm yes music scene is yay loving the local stuff..................and im asking what your fantasy is? hehe wink