Another nite of watching Barry swing for the wall but not tieing the Babe's record. Will go again this aft and sit in the sun.
My stepbrother joined me for tonite's game. He's in from FL for a medical convention. He does real work for a living -- saving lives in an emergency room. He's such a smart and good human.
Anybody out there?
My stepbrother joined me for tonite's game. He's in from FL for a medical convention. He does real work for a living -- saving lives in an emergency room. He's such a smart and good human.
Anybody out there?
All day shoot yesterday... I mean all day!!!
I did something weird underneath my shoulder blade and it KILLS me right now. I came home and went to bed!
So, my shoot cancelled that I was tell ing you about, but they are coming this morning, so I am excited! I have to get to setting up though! Have a good one!