How is it that life can feel like there is so much going on that it almost overwhelms and yet it feels as though nothig is actually happening. There may be so much occuring yet none of it holds any meaning, just mundane work that passes by and floods in. I've classes to do, a show to work, designs to draw up, 150 muscles to learn and identify with in just another day, hapkido to train, but I'm still bored with it all. It just doesn't quite satisfy. : /
More Blogs
Sunday May 03, 2009
It really says something when a Candy machine, M&Ms; Snickers Muskete… -
Monday Apr 20, 2009
Love Will Change the World Love will change the world. That's what… -
Sunday Apr 12, 2009
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Sunday Apr 05, 2009
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Sunday Mar 29, 2009
How is it that life can feel like there is so much going on that it a… -
Saturday Mar 28, 2009
Hmm... curiouser and curiouser. Apparantly someone has vouched for me… -
Tuesday Jan 09, 2007
Well alright!!! My friends and myself are going to start a modling li… -
Wednesday Dec 13, 2006
So.....ya. To-day was a bad day. The love of my life who started spea… -
Friday Nov 10, 2006
Hello to all such people that view my page, I have just uploaded my p… -
Thursday Nov 02, 2006
Yep so Halloween was fun. Joined up with some friends and created a w…