So now it's official. The word came down the pipe and everything changed. I know its only "work", but damn...I spend so much time there. She shouldn't be rewarded for throwing a fit. But I guess she got what she wanted. Whatever.
It's only work
It's only a job
It's's only....
only she used to be a friend. A great friend.
I really loved her no matter what anyone said. That was the problem.
I stopped tearing up about it awhile ago. This only seems like salt in the wound. Pretty bitter cup of tea.
Almost feels like a divorce. A divorce where you still get the exquisite anguish of seeing her beautiful face and form every fuckin' day. Joy.
I honestly and truly hope she is as happy as I am sad. I wouldn't wish this on anyone.
It's only work
It's only a job
It's's only....
only she used to be a friend. A great friend.
I really loved her no matter what anyone said. That was the problem.
I stopped tearing up about it awhile ago. This only seems like salt in the wound. Pretty bitter cup of tea.
Almost feels like a divorce. A divorce where you still get the exquisite anguish of seeing her beautiful face and form every fuckin' day. Joy.
I honestly and truly hope she is as happy as I am sad. I wouldn't wish this on anyone.
i'm sorry, it always sucks to lose a friend.
I put so much sugar in my coffee I'm surprised the spoon doesn't stand upright.