im writing this now for you to read it. was it predestined?
ok, so The Invisibles along with some other things ive been reading posits that Time is happening all at once. we can only see its slow progression, however, through our own bogged down temporal lens. if we could break free into some sort of 4th dimension, and look at all 3 dimensions and how Time overlays them, then we would see that ALL is happening all the time. think of Billy Pilgrim in Vonneguts Slaughter House 5. Billy broke free, albeit in an uncontrolled way. the theory also reminds me of the scene in The Watchmen when Dr. Manhattan, who has also broken free from the yoke of Time, is pondering Dalis The Persistence of Memory. We can remember things from the future. it has, in essence, already happened/is happening. when i saw Grant Morrison speak he spoke of the time ramifications emanating from the horror of 911. in comic books alone, writers began dealing with the momentous event several months prior to the attack. several depicted skyscrapers coming down from bombs and planes. the ripples were so huge, they caused waves after and BEFORE the event.
Time blankets us and is so ever-present in this dimension that we cant possibly imagine living without it. it is invisible. we need transcendence. we need a different point of view. our brains have been wired to accept our current situation through thousands of years of adaptive response. the corporeal necessities have warranted it. only now (and by that i mean the last 2 or 3 hundred years) are we truly afforded a chance to breathe and think about the true nature of our realm of existence. little clues sometimes help point the way. sometimes little things sneak through.
i had a dream last night that the police were outside my house and about to invade the home across the street from me. a gun battle began and shots rang out. people were being killed. i was scared as i thought bullets would come through my door and walls. i needed to take cover.
this morning the front page of the Providence Journal had a large headline that read: Shots Fired. the synopsis intro read: Why should you have to live in a house where you dont feel comfortable enough to sleep in your own bed because the bullets are flying through the walls?
ive not felt uncomfortable in my house. perhaps this article (coming out on Sunday) gave me pause to think the night previously? hell, it mentioned sleep, bullets, house, bed. post hypnotic suggestion from the future. ahh, but Time is already happening all at once. i guess i have only begun to see it right before it happens. the invisibility of Time, the veil of pre-history, can be demystified. when it comes down to it, its not magic. not hocus pocus. it really is quantum mechanical time philosophy. its all science, all math. things are starting to add up.
ok, too much today, i know. ill write about my weekend experience of meeting Tracy Lords sometime soon. (shes gorgeous!)
ok, so The Invisibles along with some other things ive been reading posits that Time is happening all at once. we can only see its slow progression, however, through our own bogged down temporal lens. if we could break free into some sort of 4th dimension, and look at all 3 dimensions and how Time overlays them, then we would see that ALL is happening all the time. think of Billy Pilgrim in Vonneguts Slaughter House 5. Billy broke free, albeit in an uncontrolled way. the theory also reminds me of the scene in The Watchmen when Dr. Manhattan, who has also broken free from the yoke of Time, is pondering Dalis The Persistence of Memory. We can remember things from the future. it has, in essence, already happened/is happening. when i saw Grant Morrison speak he spoke of the time ramifications emanating from the horror of 911. in comic books alone, writers began dealing with the momentous event several months prior to the attack. several depicted skyscrapers coming down from bombs and planes. the ripples were so huge, they caused waves after and BEFORE the event.
Time blankets us and is so ever-present in this dimension that we cant possibly imagine living without it. it is invisible. we need transcendence. we need a different point of view. our brains have been wired to accept our current situation through thousands of years of adaptive response. the corporeal necessities have warranted it. only now (and by that i mean the last 2 or 3 hundred years) are we truly afforded a chance to breathe and think about the true nature of our realm of existence. little clues sometimes help point the way. sometimes little things sneak through.
i had a dream last night that the police were outside my house and about to invade the home across the street from me. a gun battle began and shots rang out. people were being killed. i was scared as i thought bullets would come through my door and walls. i needed to take cover.
this morning the front page of the Providence Journal had a large headline that read: Shots Fired. the synopsis intro read: Why should you have to live in a house where you dont feel comfortable enough to sleep in your own bed because the bullets are flying through the walls?
ive not felt uncomfortable in my house. perhaps this article (coming out on Sunday) gave me pause to think the night previously? hell, it mentioned sleep, bullets, house, bed. post hypnotic suggestion from the future. ahh, but Time is already happening all at once. i guess i have only begun to see it right before it happens. the invisibility of Time, the veil of pre-history, can be demystified. when it comes down to it, its not magic. not hocus pocus. it really is quantum mechanical time philosophy. its all science, all math. things are starting to add up.
ok, too much today, i know. ill write about my weekend experience of meeting Tracy Lords sometime soon. (shes gorgeous!)
