i've been reading a lot of Philip K. Dick lately.
the big issues concern reality and what it means to be human.
i think what he's saying is that we have to metaphysically take a step to a different vantage point, in order to see that the consensual views of the universe may not be "true" or "real". just because everyone thinks the world is...
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the big issues concern reality and what it means to be human.
i think what he's saying is that we have to metaphysically take a step to a different vantage point, in order to see that the consensual views of the universe may not be "true" or "real". just because everyone thinks the world is...
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i just got in 3 deliciously dark DVDs from 2 of my favorite directors named David.
oh joy!
because they are not currently available in the US, i imported the Korean versions of David Lynchs Eraserhead and Wild at Heart.
hard to imagine that Eraserhead was made in 1977. it looks so fresh today.
Wild at Heart is great too. Ahh,
Harry Dean Stanton is...
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oh joy!
because they are not currently available in the US, i imported the Korean versions of David Lynchs Eraserhead and Wild at Heart.
hard to imagine that Eraserhead was made in 1977. it looks so fresh today.
Wild at Heart is great too. Ahh,
Harry Dean Stanton is...
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You are back? Or did you never go?
Either way, hope life has been treating you well.

Either way, hope life has been treating you well.
Damn it, why don't they cut me a break? I've been here all this time!
I will be going anon if I don't bank enough points for a free membership, plus I think I need to get away.
Welcome back!
I will be going anon if I don't bank enough points for a free membership, plus I think I need to get away.
Welcome back!
you know, the only thing keeping me here is habit, so i think i should at least embrace it.
with that new attitude, and my general lack of effort, i declare it time to recycle and cross-post.
if you happen to be part of that small subset that intersects with these 2 worlds, then i apologize (kay).
otherwise, no one will be the wiser. so...
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with that new attitude, and my general lack of effort, i declare it time to recycle and cross-post.
if you happen to be part of that small subset that intersects with these 2 worlds, then i apologize (kay).
otherwise, no one will be the wiser. so...
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Did I hear my name?
Ehh. I went "school shopping" but I just ended up buying expensive lingerie and eye liner. All the essentials.
What have you been up to?

Ehh. I went "school shopping" but I just ended up buying expensive lingerie and eye liner. All the essentials.
What have you been up to?
"jet setting"
Wish I had the time/reason to travel.
Do you ever check out the RISD student show at woods gerry on Angel and Prospect. I highly recommend the senior furniture and ID shows and the graphic design show is alright too

Do you ever check out the RISD student show at woods gerry on Angel and Prospect. I highly recommend the senior furniture and ID shows and the graphic design show is alright too

i'm done with young gals! they ain't nuthin' but Trouble with a capital T!
That's my great dane's favorite position too
Too bad she's getting spayed tommarow though

Too bad she's getting spayed tommarow though
It is a portrait comission of someone's parents and I don't have a d. camera or a scanner right now.
i ate corndogs for breakfast this morning.
so take that!
so take that!
My life really is quite boring.. actually
Y'know.. vince neil being the highlight of the weekend and all!

Y'know.. vince neil being the highlight of the weekend and all!
Well, I would hang out with older folks, but the sgpvd crew just can't seem to pull it together.
Hope all is well
Hope all is well

i went to see Liz Phair in Boston yesterday (it was a b-day gift from a lovely friend).
anyway, i hadnt seen Liz in years. Back then, it was new years eve on her first tour, she was so introverted and shy. she has soooo changed. she was very happy (almost giddy).
her encore songs were Fuck And Run and HWC.
Fuck being off her...
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anyway, i hadnt seen Liz in years. Back then, it was new years eve on her first tour, she was so introverted and shy. she has soooo changed. she was very happy (almost giddy).
her encore songs were Fuck And Run and HWC.
Fuck being off her...
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hello there! losing ten pounds for the summer is always my goal...sure i can be as much involved as you would like!
good night back
good night back

Fuck and run is i think my favorite phair song. I wanted to see her badly when she came by but missed it
Glad to hear you had a good time!

holy crap-ola i'm old!
all you young'uns scamperin' about with your clothes off and your crazy tats and hair styles...give old fart like me a heartattack.
just what has the world come to?
keep everything in motion!
love you all!
all you young'uns scamperin' about with your clothes off and your crazy tats and hair styles...give old fart like me a heartattack.
just what has the world come to?

keep everything in motion!
love you all!
Happy belated birthday!!!!!!!
I had a frozen banana just last weekend! But yes, its already in the 90s here.. sigh...
I had a frozen banana just last weekend! But yes, its already in the 90s here.. sigh...
A nyet on the VALIS
do you have doubts about God?
are you lost and lonely?
ever wonder what its all about?
well, if youre like me, you answered yes to all 3 of the above questions.
my advice to you is to go out and read VALIS by Philip K. Dick.
did you do it yet? is everything better?
hey, i got Dawn of the Dead and Return to...
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are you lost and lonely?
ever wonder what its all about?
well, if youre like me, you answered yes to all 3 of the above questions.
my advice to you is to go out and read VALIS by Philip K. Dick.
did you do it yet? is everything better?
hey, i got Dawn of the Dead and Return to...
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Oh yes! i'm a li'li ronnie!

happy birthday!
im writing this now for you to read it. was it predestined?
ok, so The Invisibles along with some other things ive been reading posits that Time is happening all at once. we can only see its slow progression, however, through our own bogged down temporal lens. if we could break free into some sort of 4th dimension, and look at all 3 dimensions and...
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ok, so The Invisibles along with some other things ive been reading posits that Time is happening all at once. we can only see its slow progression, however, through our own bogged down temporal lens. if we could break free into some sort of 4th dimension, and look at all 3 dimensions and...
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No one else seems to be interested in my drool, so you may have it all. Luck man!
that is so crazy that you had that dream and then read the article in the paper. stuff like that happens to me a lot too. mainly i have dreams with certain conversations in them and then sometime in the future i will be in a situation where the exact same conversation will come up with the exact same words. it's a very odd and yet cool feeling.
ok, it's late. i'm not tired. helped a lovely friend change a tire today (Halloween was a little rough for her).
i went out as a "Love Panda" last night...sort of a cross between a plush, lovable child's toy and a used car salesman. i think i should go out wearing masks more often...the decadent anonymity...
speaking of decadance, Vegas baby! this week! hmm..what to...
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i went out as a "Love Panda" last night...sort of a cross between a plush, lovable child's toy and a used car salesman. i think i should go out wearing masks more often...the decadent anonymity...
speaking of decadance, Vegas baby! this week! hmm..what to...
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I'm going to Vegas sometime this winter. Tee hee!
If you want my info before I go, let me know.
If you want my info before I go, let me know.

if only you knew how true that was...