Friday Feb 04, 2005 Feb 4, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email and so she falls, deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole... VIEW 26 of 26 COMMENTS unstable217: how do you like it at rock bottom? it gets cooled if you look at things from an outsiders prospective <3 Alex Feb 8, 2005 digitusboy: Batman: I'm upset, I'm just going to hang out wearing my cool costume. **Catwoman has Robin trapped** Robin: Catwoman, you are not a nice person! Robin: Holy pencil skirts, Batman! hey, i'm going for a walk. and you're comin' with me bitch! Feb 8, 2005
it gets cooled if you look at things from an outsiders prospective <3 Alex
**Catwoman has Robin trapped**
Robin: Catwoman, you are not a nice person!
Robin: Holy pencil skirts, Batman!
hey, i'm going for a walk. and you're comin' with me bitch!