hallo! Wie gehts du denn? Ja.
Ich bin so la la.
So, yeah, not a big fan of the whole 4th of July bit. Fireworks can go suck a bloody cunt.
I'm going camping today though. Some of the people going, I don't really like so much, but I'll be nice and intoxicated. That'll make everything better. We'll be best friends for a few hours.
I saw 28 Day Later the other night with Nex. It was pretty good. Didn't scare me so much as I had anticipated. Only jumped a couple times, and Nex was nice enough not to make fun of me for it.
Gack, I have so much stuff to pack. I didn't realize I was this much of a packrat. I don't want to throw away any of my memorabilia.
Well, nothing else of interest to say. Okay. umm. Yeah.
Ich bin so la la.
So, yeah, not a big fan of the whole 4th of July bit. Fireworks can go suck a bloody cunt.
I'm going camping today though. Some of the people going, I don't really like so much, but I'll be nice and intoxicated. That'll make everything better. We'll be best friends for a few hours.

I saw 28 Day Later the other night with Nex. It was pretty good. Didn't scare me so much as I had anticipated. Only jumped a couple times, and Nex was nice enough not to make fun of me for it.
Gack, I have so much stuff to pack. I didn't realize I was this much of a packrat. I don't want to throw away any of my memorabilia.

Well, nothing else of interest to say. Okay. umm. Yeah.

I could'a sworn I left me a comment on here. Hmm..I liked your comment in my jornal. Always good to know that you like cats and you are sleepy. Well, I hope you slept well.
lates sexy gurl,
Oh hey, you made me ur friend. How cool is that. Lemme tell ya its WAY cool!
[Edited on Jul 07, 2003]
I pretty much agree with you on 28 Days Later -- I thought it was a pretty good movie myself.
Packing = Sucks.