I don't know that I "hate" racism, prejudice, discrimination, hate, ignorance, intolerance, assumptions, asolation, and hypocracy.
It's more like it makes me sad. There is a utopia that I see in my head that is so far from what we have now. It is hard for me and my simple brain to even fully realize it.
I find that I am actually tearing up right now. Really. The hurt (in all its forms) that is inflicted on others is so... overwhelming... people taking advantage of one another, physically harming them, emotionally scaring them, deceiving them, judging them...it goes on and on.
It makes me ache if I think about it to much. Then I think of what I can do. How does one truly create change without using the same tactics of that which you want to change? When do you become them in the "fight".
How long do you debate before it turns into an argument and each party is bashing their heads against the wall that divides them? At what point does it become so frustrating that you can't change their mind that you become angry and lash out?
It is all so sad when you think about it. My head hurts now. I feel like I need a bath and a nap and to crawl into my bed and watch a movie so that my thoughts will be corralled into a more joyous existence.
Again, I don't know that I "hate" the way others are. It is more that is causes a profound and physical sadness in me.
It's more like it makes me sad. There is a utopia that I see in my head that is so far from what we have now. It is hard for me and my simple brain to even fully realize it.
I find that I am actually tearing up right now. Really. The hurt (in all its forms) that is inflicted on others is so... overwhelming... people taking advantage of one another, physically harming them, emotionally scaring them, deceiving them, judging them...it goes on and on.
It makes me ache if I think about it to much. Then I think of what I can do. How does one truly create change without using the same tactics of that which you want to change? When do you become them in the "fight".
How long do you debate before it turns into an argument and each party is bashing their heads against the wall that divides them? At what point does it become so frustrating that you can't change their mind that you become angry and lash out?
It is all so sad when you think about it. My head hurts now. I feel like I need a bath and a nap and to crawl into my bed and watch a movie so that my thoughts will be corralled into a more joyous existence.
Again, I don't know that I "hate" the way others are. It is more that is causes a profound and physical sadness in me.
Though I'm not sure what brought this topic on, I find it in myself to chime in.
I used to think it was bad to hate those who hate....intolerate intolerance...etc. Ghandi I believed said somthing along the lines of peace being acheived through the acceptance of that which we cannot...
I have since become a pessimistic, grumpy, depressed, cranky person.
I hate racists...they suck, and they are one or more of the following: misinformed, uneducated, delusional, stupid, full of hate, dangerous, and there is simply no place in society for them.
It's good to feel hate sometimes...it's a powerful emotion never to be taken lightly, but it can remind you what those who hate indiscriminately are capable of....and why it's normal to feel hate.
huh...that was too deep for a Saturday night
I think I just pissed myself a little.
You just made my night with that post....
*wipes tear of laughter*