I had been experiencing some moderate anxiety and depression for a while now. I figured it was the typical things: poor diet, lack of exercise, excessive drinking etc. but then it got worse. Little things would set me off into a panicky, crying mess. I found a lump in my groin area in the right side one day and freaked out. Went to the doctor the next day who determined that it was a swollen lymph node that would need to be looked at by a surgeon. ( still getting that worked out). While I was there I got my doctor to put me on some meds for the depression and anxiety. These last few weeks have been rough. The medication has a laundry list of side effects and I seem to have experienced all of them. I feel thou that I am finally turning a corner. I feel like I might be at a place that is tolerable. Yes I'm tired. Given the chance I would probably be in bed all day. At least I have the guts to face these problems head-on.
Hope things get better soon. Let me know if you need anything.. I mean it!
I hope things get better hon. I would say you need to drink more but that might contribute to the problem (of course Homer J. Simpson would say it contributes and solves the problem at the same time