I had my 20 week ultrasound and here is the run down:
Good: Liam is perfect. There is nothing wrong with him whatsoever!
Bad: I have placenta previa. (placenta is blocking the baby's exit)
Now the good and bad of that situation:
Good: The placenta could move out of the way before labor making my labor totally normal and easy. No harm no foul.
Bad: The placenta doesn't move out of the way making it a c-section.( this isn't really THAT bad)
I could start bleeding at any time. There is nothing the doctor can do but give me more bed rest.
I could go into labor and start bleeding resulting in heavy blood loss and an emergency c-section.
So basically I have to be monitored more closely at every doctor visit now. I am no longer a "normal" pregnancy. I have "low to some" risk now and as I progress into my 3rd trimester it could go either way. Having said all that..I am freaking out a little about it but trying not to stress out too much. The up side to all this is Liam is now kicking and moving up a storm so it's nice to feel that again. I missed that feeling. I know also that I will never have this feeling again. Which makes me happy/sad.
Good: Liam is perfect. There is nothing wrong with him whatsoever!
Bad: I have placenta previa. (placenta is blocking the baby's exit)
Now the good and bad of that situation:
Good: The placenta could move out of the way before labor making my labor totally normal and easy. No harm no foul.
Bad: The placenta doesn't move out of the way making it a c-section.( this isn't really THAT bad)
I could start bleeding at any time. There is nothing the doctor can do but give me more bed rest.
I could go into labor and start bleeding resulting in heavy blood loss and an emergency c-section.
So basically I have to be monitored more closely at every doctor visit now. I am no longer a "normal" pregnancy. I have "low to some" risk now and as I progress into my 3rd trimester it could go either way. Having said all that..I am freaking out a little about it but trying not to stress out too much. The up side to all this is Liam is now kicking and moving up a storm so it's nice to feel that again. I missed that feeling. I know also that I will never have this feeling again. Which makes me happy/sad.
Kid is getting an early start on freaking out mommy, he feng shui'd your organs! I wonder what kind of terror he and Aidan will conjure up when they get older!
hee hee!