Interesting. Very interesting. Alright, I'll play along and see where this goes. But just know that I have the upper hand this time. So don't fuck with me. It must hurt your ego to ask me for help. Ahh how the tables turn. Looks like you're not so high or mighty anymore.
In other news: I got my hair straightened today. Big mistake. The lady left the solution on too long. I have a frizzy mess of hair and it's green/brown/yellow. Also, I can't dye it for another 2 weeks. School starts on Monday. Fuck me.
So I hereby give everyone permission to fully stare at my boobs when you talk to me. At least I know they look good. We can all just ignore my hair for a while.
In other news: I got my hair straightened today. Big mistake. The lady left the solution on too long. I have a frizzy mess of hair and it's green/brown/yellow. Also, I can't dye it for another 2 weeks. School starts on Monday. Fuck me.
So I hereby give everyone permission to fully stare at my boobs when you talk to me. At least I know they look good. We can all just ignore my hair for a while.

I miss you!

You're a hot bitch, and I'm still kinda drunk!