Knitting myself a hoodie. I figure why not. I start school again on tuesday. I was kinda hoping that I was gonna get a week between semesters but no luck. So not sure when i'm getting my wisdom teeth out but it needs to happen soon. It doesn't hurt at all but my jaw pretty much sounds like a cement mixer when I chew food. It's literally jaw bone and tooth grinding together. No good at all. I have had a bit of ear pain lately which might be attributed to the wisdom teeth. My brother called me today to let me know how his oral surgery went. He had his wisdom teeth taken out a couple of weeks ago. He had a few problems with the holes in the back healing correctly. I think it's all good now though. I saw a picture of him right after the surgery and he looks pretty out of it and very swollen. At least I know more of what to expect. I like using my brother like a guinea pig. Throw him into the fray and see what happens. If he got through will I. I'm nervous nonetheless.
Cute boy I used to talk to a few years ago just got a hold of me again. He apparently knows DJ Amanda and asked me the next time I'm heading to CS. It would be nice to hang out with him again. It's really cute because he's had this retarded crush on me forever. He kinda makes me out to be this amazing person..which is nice but it's also so silly. Makes me afraid that I'll let him down. I think I'm gonna go to the one in march with him. We shall see.
Cute boy I used to talk to a few years ago just got a hold of me again. He apparently knows DJ Amanda and asked me the next time I'm heading to CS. It would be nice to hang out with him again. It's really cute because he's had this retarded crush on me forever. He kinda makes me out to be this amazing person..which is nice but it's also so silly. Makes me afraid that I'll let him down. I think I'm gonna go to the one in march with him. We shall see.

wisdom teeth removal is no fun. good luck with that.
5 Words: Inexplicably--gifted--Three-- month--account.....Desperate much, SG?