First off I feel the need to say that I am thankful for way too many things to list and would bore anyone who read this to death! That being said there is one thing that stands out above all the rest...
I am most thankful for being a mom to the most amazing little Autistic dude ever! My son is the coolest, bravest, strongest, and most caring kid I’ve ever known. I’m probably a bit bias because he’s mine but I’ll tell you why...
My little dude 2 years ago was suicidal and had a major mental breakdown. It’s still hard to share these things but now that he is doing well and we are past the tough times it’s good to speak out on his struggles as a child with ASD.
Up until age 8 I had no clue my son was Autistic. He always struggled in school getting along with kids but I kind of figured he was just a mean kid. He had no developmental delays so Autism never crossed my mind. Most parents, including myself, are told there are clear signs that tell you if your kid is Autistic.
Not knowing what was up one day his school called and asked me to come get him because he was threatening to kill himself. I was in complete shock. My baby boy was living a separate life in his mind trying to cope with his social issues and struggles.
After the school told me to have him psychiatrically evaluated the doctors advised hospitalization... I thought it was all just a cruel nightmare. I had no choice but to allow it to happen because in my state they question the welfare of your child even if you know what’s best for them.
So for what seemed like forever (about a year) my son was put on different meds, hospitalized 3 different times, and had multiple wrong diagnoses. When I realized things were constantly getting worse I went against what the doctors were doing and put a stop to it all!
I eventually found a doctor that wasn’t trying to just medicate and hospitalize my baby! He actually took the time to understand my son and diagnosed him with ASD and depression from it. I decided to homeschool my son and hire an in home counselor to help him daily for a few months. It was like a switch was flipped! He started improving majorly almost right away.
Now two years later my son is thriving! Doing incredibly well! He is on no medications and is happier than he’s ever been. All he needed was for me to understand what was going on in his growing mind and help him get through his differences.
So in a nutshell I’m most thankful for my sons life and that I get to be his mom! He was going through hell all by himself in his mind for so long and I didn’t even know it. I’m so proud of him and cherish every day we have together ♥️
(for anyone who questions how I didn’t know what was happening in his little mind feel free to message me and I’ll gladly share more and the ways he hid his feelings)