Meh...I just want to curl up under lots of blankets and watch lots of episodes of Law and Order. I want to hibernate.
I need to figure out how to make some $ when I can't go get a real job. Hmmmm. I did just overhaul a web site...even though I have no idea what I'm doing.
Edited to add a big warm, wet, late by almost a month, welcome to the most spectacular Hawking
I need to figure out how to make some $ when I can't go get a real job. Hmmmm. I did just overhaul a web site...even though I have no idea what I'm doing.
Edited to add a big warm, wet, late by almost a month, welcome to the most spectacular Hawking

i love law and order. kyle makes fun of me for it. doink doink.
i'm realy going to try to come out to your show tomorrow... i will bust srse on my homework... xoxo miss you.