I hate it when someone else thinks I've done something wrong when I was just being myself and gets pissed off at me because I don't want to apologize for my character. I didn't even know I was doing something wrong until the person got up and left. See, I've been trying to write a song for a couple of weeks now and I've been re-recording it to get the feel right, but haven't been able to get the right keyboard sound for a while. We were working with an effects box and that wasn't working either and I was saying as such and decided I would experiment more with it tomorrow...and then I saw a re-run on TV for the 3rd time in the week and jokingly commented on that and that made the person mad. All I wanted was to have a nice quiet Friday and watch TV and I can't even do that....

I think certain personality types clash, but I get the impression that you guys were on different levels about that issue. take care of your naked mole rat self