So, the buttrock era was really a beneficial thing. You know why? Because I could actually find pants that weren't so big as to fit 10 people in them. I like tapered pants and I'd rather not have to sew them if I don't have to. I went to (yet another) store today and found a few pairs that were decent, but so wide at the bottom that I felt like a breathing table cloth for the 2 seconds I had them on. I hate boot leg pants and strait leg pants and really hate bell bottoms and the pants that have enough fabric to clothe an average family....I feel like a moron in them all....and I hate going to the local "punk rock" store to spend $50 on a pair of pants that actually fit me right. And whats up with the shorts that either flare out or the ones that are so small they immediately get sucked up my butt crack and disappear until I fish for them in the most unlady-like manner.
Pretty petty stuff to complain about, I know....but, if I don't find decent pants soon I am going to be pretty bare assed.
Venting complete.
Pretty petty stuff to complain about, I know....but, if I don't find decent pants soon I am going to be pretty bare assed.
Venting complete.

Hello Mer...I mean Roxy. I'll taper your pants for you. Gotta love the Buttrock.
i got yer pants right here!