i hope he doesn't win. bush again would be a nightmare.
I should go take a walk. Work, work, work makes my house a cave....
Hmmm, I'm not exactly sure what to do.

It's really difficult to write music when you dont know how to play guitar. I'm very frustrated by that fact and am actually trying to learn bass at the moment. Slow moving. I wish I learned this 18 years ago. I have about 8 songs written that I want to try playing, but no one "gets" them...
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hey - how are you? you were on tour for a while, weren't you? or are those dates still coming up?
write me...feel a hug, schnecke kiss
it's so bad that with the music you make, you cannot live from your music. i enjoyed your album, and i didn't know about your band before joining SG.com. go on playing music, whether it's guitar or not!
So that's where you've been all this time. tongue
Glad to hear that your still alive, are you doing well?
I have huge knots in my back all the time...and am an absolute hermit. Somedays it is an appealing thought to rewind to simpler times...sometimes I can realize how good right now really is.

I miss the late summer nights sitting and talking with my friend Michelle. She just had her second son about 2 months ago. She is 6 days younger than me. I...
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the video for theSTART's new single... Like Days can be seen here http://www.nitrorecords.com/Resources/theSTART-qtLO.mov

i miss you and our talks.
I seem to be writing a ton of music these last couple of weeks....and I'm playing in a second band. It's pretty nice to feel productive that way.

I'm not the best instrumentalist, but all this work at it has to improve my skills eventually.

Who knows what will utimately become of the songs if they don't end up being played...maybe I'll just have to...
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Hey. Thanks for the kind words and the welcome back. I really appreciate it.
I've been really productive with my music lately as well. A lot of venting.. but, mostly just good old abrasive old school punk. It's so awesome when somebody says that I give them the feeling that punk really isn't dead. I also have to admit I get a huge grin on my face when I'm told that I have very offensive lyrics. hehe. It's all in good fun, though. But, right now I am actually making some surf tracks and recently I have been playing around at psychobilly. It's nice to not be pigeonholed. I've been told that its refreshing that I just dont limit what I do to just plain old punk. So, that is a nice reassurance for when I want to experiment.
By the way, congrats on the Fat deal.. I hope thats working out for you guys.
So, what kind of music is your second band?
It's really not that hard to do solo stuff either. It's fun, actually. I love recording. I also love mixing and what not.. But, you said you aren't the greatest instrumentalist.. so, that might be a problem.. But, you do have a great voice. That's where I'm lacking.. drums, bass, guitar.. thats easy. But when I open my mouth.. thats where the trouble is..
Sorry for the rambling in your journal. I still wish you guys would get to Memphis, though!!
jeffie genetic can do it. so can you.
I just ate a looooooot of peanut butter. biggrin

(No, not penis butter. PEANUT! Ya fucking perv!!!! Oh wait. That's me. I'm the perv.)

P.S. #5 has the best peanut butter around. love
thanks, doll. i know, 26 isn't that bad. i was just being whiny. i'd say my 20s have definitely improved since i was 21! sheesh. you think you know everything, but ya don't. you know whats funny? i never knew that was a balloon that meant it was that person's birthday until you posted that in my journal. heh. go figure. i'm not very observant, apparently! skull
damn! now i want PB really bad! biggrin
I think it might be nice out today. That's a good thing. I'm tired of being hot.
"summer stinks and winters waitin" man I wish I didnt know that quote. its from newsies i dont feel like playing any stupid quote game so there it is, Ive seen newsies.hehe
summer is my least favorite time of year as i loathe the heat.
I don't know what to do anymore.
Wish I knew how to help, but sometimes theres crap you just have to figure out for yourself. sorry for not knowing how
edited because i confused myself again blackeyed

[Edited on Aug 01, 2004 1:22AM]
Uh Oh.
I hope your new music helps a little.
I sooner think of seconds past, of the things that have made me believe.
I've watched change in 1,000 waves. Are there things that have made me depraved?
I've seen you walking in and out. There are things that you wish on me.
I've seen change in 1,000 waves and there are things that I do believe.

I said it.
I see it.
I want...
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OK. I spoke with your parents and I guess they don't approve of me teaching their transforming naked mole rate morse code. You will goto study hall during class.

[Edited on Jul 30, 2004 11:15AM] tongue
Translated message=Have a nice weekend. smile

[Edited on Jul 30, 2004 1:11PM]
oops, i accidentally erased you. it was a mistake. please forgive me.

ooo aaa
Hmmm, I'm wasting some time before heading to the gym and just spent some time reading through one of many Brody Dalle threads.

Why is 75% of it about her appearance? Why is there such a need to shred female musicians for their apprearence...or their love lives? (Yes, there is a degree of it for men, but to such a lesser extent.)

Why do people...
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I don't agree with this, but one thing you can't deny is that The Distillers are sold a lot on image. I'm not saying they're a bad band, but it's not Andy Outbreak who gets put on the cover of The Face magazine wearing something skimpy. If so much of the marketing is directed towards image, then a lot of people are going to react to that. I know a hell of a lot of people who would recognise a picture of Brodie Dalle, but wouldn't have a clue what The Distillers sound like.
well... this is old. but i'm back after my long disappearance.
i guess i'll throw in my unasked for 2 cents, so you can have a viewpoint from someone who is self labeled that worthless label of "punk". i think the reason people make brodie's love life their business because of how shady it was that she broke up with tim after being signed to a major label. plus changing their sound to a courtney love-esque sound. sound progression is natural... but to completely do a 180 from one album to the next? strange. it can work to your advantage if the 180 is good. but i just think her new stuff sounds like she's trying too hard to be courtney love. the reason i think people attack brody is because they see how she acts. she's not a very likeable person. i've met brody and am friends with people who lived with her. they just don't have anything nice to say.
i don't really either. maybe none of that is any of my business. but it strikes a nerve with me. i don't like fake people. i think brody makes herself viewed on image. she's as much to blame as people or media. but i don't just dislike her or am extra hard on her cuz of her gender, this is not a boy/girl issue with me. i also hate cheap sex, because mike virus <-- sends me hate mail. yada yada i'm blabbing on.
but as for people saying negative things about your or the epoxies, tell them to suck it. if it's what you love to do then no one can take that away from you. i got a job when we got back from tour at hot topic (yaya yuk it up) and i spin your cd there. kids eat it up. so nyah! tongue

[Edited on Sep 07, 2004 9:44PM]