Hey everyone... sorry I haven't updated in so long, I'm kind of without internet right now, so it's not easy.
Here's what up with my dad, for those interested: He's currently at a specialist hospital in Atlanta, GA. They focus on injuries like his; spinal cord injuries, broken backs, paralysis. He's there for 6-8 weeks depending on how things go, then he'll be back in Savannah. As for progress, he's doing pretty well. He can lift one of his legs, and he can turn the other one from side to side. But when he tries to put weight on them, his brain still says they aren't there. And he still can't go to the bathroom, which greatly embarasses him.
I talk to him every day, and I can always hear the smile in his voice when he hears it's me. He said today that he's sorry that it took this to get us back in touch, but that he's glad and doesn't want us to get back to the way we were ever again. It seems silly after all he's done, but I actually believe him this time. I need to go visit.
Happy news: He's going to be a millionaire.
Other that that, I've been working a TON. January is always bad. so I need to work a lot to make up for that. Tomorrow night should be awesome though, there's an SGLA event at my club, and I can't wait
I've also been spending lots of time with my love, since we have the same weekends (Tuesday/Wednesday). It's been incredible, every second. He's the BEST. I love you sweetheart
Life sure knows how to throw some you some curve balls, good and bad. Que sera sera.
Here's what up with my dad, for those interested: He's currently at a specialist hospital in Atlanta, GA. They focus on injuries like his; spinal cord injuries, broken backs, paralysis. He's there for 6-8 weeks depending on how things go, then he'll be back in Savannah. As for progress, he's doing pretty well. He can lift one of his legs, and he can turn the other one from side to side. But when he tries to put weight on them, his brain still says they aren't there. And he still can't go to the bathroom, which greatly embarasses him.
I talk to him every day, and I can always hear the smile in his voice when he hears it's me. He said today that he's sorry that it took this to get us back in touch, but that he's glad and doesn't want us to get back to the way we were ever again. It seems silly after all he's done, but I actually believe him this time. I need to go visit.
Happy news: He's going to be a millionaire.
Other that that, I've been working a TON. January is always bad. so I need to work a lot to make up for that. Tomorrow night should be awesome though, there's an SGLA event at my club, and I can't wait

I've also been spending lots of time with my love, since we have the same weekends (Tuesday/Wednesday). It's been incredible, every second. He's the BEST. I love you sweetheart

Life sure knows how to throw some you some curve balls, good and bad. Que sera sera.
How are you doing anyway?