Well, English 102 is officially over. Yay! Organic chemistry... I'll be retaking that in the fall. I'm done trying with a fucked up professor. It's ok. I still have three finals in two classes. Almost done for the semester. And then I have less than a week off before starting summer classes, woohoo!
I'll be taking Physics, Speech, and History. Good lord talk about boredom.
Ok, enough about school. I know it seems like that's all I talk about, but it basically consumes my life right now.
The wedding...
is still in the very beginning stages of planning. I haven't had a lot of time. But we've set a date! June 21, 2008. Woo! And we're going to take a three day vacation when school's done to scout locations. All very exciting.
We have a couple of places picked out that we wanna look at. And I've already found my dream dress! Now I just have to go try it on!
Work is work. I have the "good job" and the "bad job". The job at the emergency animal hospital gets more amazing by the second. Latest thing... I helped to deliver (by caeserian) and save the lives of six little black lab puppies
It's an amazing sound when you're trying to revive a puppy and it suddenly screams. Awwww...
Um... what else? I'm feeling lonely lately. I don't really have any friends and I've been ITCHING to go out, do something, whatever. My man is amazing, but I need some other people around, ya know? I'll be checking the groups for opportunities and trying really hard to gather the courage.
How come my journal entries only get like 5 comments? Is it because they're boring? I know I'm pretty boring, my entire life is nothing but school and work. :sigh:
Here's a question for you: What's the biggest sacrifice you've made in order to follow/fulfill a dream?

Ok, enough about school. I know it seems like that's all I talk about, but it basically consumes my life right now.
The wedding...

Work is work. I have the "good job" and the "bad job". The job at the emergency animal hospital gets more amazing by the second. Latest thing... I helped to deliver (by caeserian) and save the lives of six little black lab puppies

Um... what else? I'm feeling lonely lately. I don't really have any friends and I've been ITCHING to go out, do something, whatever. My man is amazing, but I need some other people around, ya know? I'll be checking the groups for opportunities and trying really hard to gather the courage.
How come my journal entries only get like 5 comments? Is it because they're boring? I know I'm pretty boring, my entire life is nothing but school and work. :sigh:
Here's a question for you: What's the biggest sacrifice you've made in order to follow/fulfill a dream?
Good luck with exams, hope it all goes perfectly for ya.