Today: Organic Chemistry Lab Final; six page English paper due
05/25: Lab Animal Care Lab Final
05/29: English Final (essay format, woo)
05/30: Organic Chemistry Lecture Final
06/01: Lab Animal Care Lecture Final
06/04: Large Animal Nursing Lab and Lecture Finals
And can I just say that I've lost all motivation and have sunken into some weird mini depression? My OChem lab final is in less than two hours and I haven't studied for even a moment. And as you can see, the shit storm of finals has only just begun. Where am I going to find so much motivation on such short notice?
05/25: Lab Animal Care Lab Final
05/29: English Final (essay format, woo)
05/30: Organic Chemistry Lecture Final
06/01: Lab Animal Care Lecture Final
06/04: Large Animal Nursing Lab and Lecture Finals
And can I just say that I've lost all motivation and have sunken into some weird mini depression? My OChem lab final is in less than two hours and I haven't studied for even a moment. And as you can see, the shit storm of finals has only just begun. Where am I going to find so much motivation on such short notice?
Good luck with everything! I'm sure you will do well. *Sending tons of motivation vibes your way* 

Phone tag sucks. We should do something about that.