Hi! It's been almost two months since I've updated! Wow. I guess that's what happens when you're in school full time and working 45+ hours a week!
But now I'm on break from school and in Ohio for the holidays. I know it's "punk" and "hard core" to hate Christmas and all, but I love it! I'm here in Ohio, it's all cold and wintery (which is nice for a change) and I'm spending time with my mom (who is amazing) and my eight year old brother, who I adore to no end. Sure, I didn't talk to my father on Christmas and that whole side of the family did not recognize my existance at all yesterday, but I've learned over the last year or two to really appreciate what I have and try not to be all pissy about what I don't. Life is much happier that way! You know, I think I've grown out of the whole punk alternative thing. I like me better this way.
Let's see if I can update on the rest of my life...
I've changed my career goal a bit. I'm no longer going to school to be a registered veterinary technician. I'm pre-vet. I'm going to be a veterinarian
! One of my professors convinced me because he thinks I was limiting myself going the technician route. I think he's right. I think being a veterinarian is the only way I'll be truely happy in my career. I get to apply for vet school in 2009. Then it's four years of that. Whoa. But I can do it, I'm going to be a doctor!
What else? Macbastard is the most amazing man ever. We are doing so splendidly.
In April it will be three years. You wanna know how awesome he is? I'll tell you what he got me for Christmas. Thirteen animal x-rays printed on durable transparent plastic (I can't wait to frame some of them!) and a model life size cat skeleton. I'm sure most people reading this won't get it. But as a pre-vet student who loves her studies those are the most perfect gifts ever! I love anatomy and I am obsessed with radiography. So yay! He also cooked me an amazing dinner that we had by candlelight. It was yummy.
Other than that, it's all the same. My job at the emergency center is completely amazing. I got straight As this semester. Next semester is going to be extremely difficult, but bring it on! All fourteen of my animals are alive and well. I am healthy and happy. Probably the happiest I've been in years actually.
Now it's time to play with my brother with some of his Christmas toys. Santa was pretty good to him this year.
But now I'm on break from school and in Ohio for the holidays. I know it's "punk" and "hard core" to hate Christmas and all, but I love it! I'm here in Ohio, it's all cold and wintery (which is nice for a change) and I'm spending time with my mom (who is amazing) and my eight year old brother, who I adore to no end. Sure, I didn't talk to my father on Christmas and that whole side of the family did not recognize my existance at all yesterday, but I've learned over the last year or two to really appreciate what I have and try not to be all pissy about what I don't. Life is much happier that way! You know, I think I've grown out of the whole punk alternative thing. I like me better this way.
Let's see if I can update on the rest of my life...
I've changed my career goal a bit. I'm no longer going to school to be a registered veterinary technician. I'm pre-vet. I'm going to be a veterinarian

What else? Macbastard is the most amazing man ever. We are doing so splendidly.

Other than that, it's all the same. My job at the emergency center is completely amazing. I got straight As this semester. Next semester is going to be extremely difficult, but bring it on! All fourteen of my animals are alive and well. I am healthy and happy. Probably the happiest I've been in years actually.
Now it's time to play with my brother with some of his Christmas toys. Santa was pretty good to him this year.

Oh my god - you would be the hottest vet ever!
Makes me wish I had a kitten. Stupid boyfriend and his supid allergies...

I'm really glad to hear that things are going well. Congratulations.