Thanks for the congrats in my last journal
It feels absolutely amazing that I'm finally doing what I want with my life.
Friday was my first night. My very first patient as a working technician died on the table while we were trying to save him. He was a 2-day old puppy. It was horribly heart-breaking and really put a damper on the night and kinda brought down everyone's spirits. I knew that this would happen a lot more in an emergency hospital, but my first patient? And so young and tiny?
But on the flip side, we also saved several dogs' lives that night. And that makes it all worth it.

Friday was my first night. My very first patient as a working technician died on the table while we were trying to save him. He was a 2-day old puppy. It was horribly heart-breaking and really put a damper on the night and kinda brought down everyone's spirits. I knew that this would happen a lot more in an emergency hospital, but my first patient? And so young and tiny?
But on the flip side, we also saved several dogs' lives that night. And that makes it all worth it.
Wow, that is pretty intense, but I bet very rewarding as well. Isn't it nice to finally be working at a job you love? 

Aghhhhhhh that is so sad. I would be wrecked.