I am sans lip rings.
How sad.
I took them out sometime Friday afternoon, and they have been out ever since. I'm pretty sure they're closed by now. So I no longer have any facial piercings. I keep trying to play with them, my lips feel really naked!! I had them for seven years. I hate looking in the mirror, I feel like I look very plain now.
I took them out because I'm starting to get along in my profession. I'm in my second year of school, and I'm interning in the hospital at the Wildlife Waystation. My dream job, lemme tell you! And from now on, I'm going to be either interning and/or working at places like the Waystation. I need people in my profession to take me seriously. I need to be respected and seen as a colleague. I need people to know that I'm a mature adult, dedicated to my profession and ready to make a difference.
I know what you're going to say, and yes I was those things with the lip rings, but we can't pretend. The world is a judgemental place, and no one can escape that. I couldn't go on future job interviews with rings in my lip. People have preconceived notions about people that have facial piercings, especially ones so out there as lip rings.
I always said they'd be the last to go, I was wrong. But my profession, and working with the wild animals that I love so much, is infinitely more important to me than jewelry. And although I felt for a long time that they defined me, they don't.
Wow, all that talk about a couple of lip rings, hah! Some of you must think I'm crazy. But I think some of you at least will totally understand.
How sad.
I took them out sometime Friday afternoon, and they have been out ever since. I'm pretty sure they're closed by now. So I no longer have any facial piercings. I keep trying to play with them, my lips feel really naked!! I had them for seven years. I hate looking in the mirror, I feel like I look very plain now.
I took them out because I'm starting to get along in my profession. I'm in my second year of school, and I'm interning in the hospital at the Wildlife Waystation. My dream job, lemme tell you! And from now on, I'm going to be either interning and/or working at places like the Waystation. I need people in my profession to take me seriously. I need to be respected and seen as a colleague. I need people to know that I'm a mature adult, dedicated to my profession and ready to make a difference.
I know what you're going to say, and yes I was those things with the lip rings, but we can't pretend. The world is a judgemental place, and no one can escape that. I couldn't go on future job interviews with rings in my lip. People have preconceived notions about people that have facial piercings, especially ones so out there as lip rings.
I always said they'd be the last to go, I was wrong. But my profession, and working with the wild animals that I love so much, is infinitely more important to me than jewelry. And although I felt for a long time that they defined me, they don't.
Wow, all that talk about a couple of lip rings, hah! Some of you must think I'm crazy. But I think some of you at least will totally understand.
you can say that again.
the kitten is turning out to be super awesome.
he's also completely insane in that 4 month old kitten way of either being totally inert and asleep or zooming about the house in hypernosis with his claws out. We've named him Ico Mihos Cat.