I'm dating this guy named Sean. We've been dating for like six months now, and we live together. Sometimes I am content with the relationship and couldn't be happier, other times it's just the opposite. He seems really logical and cold at times, and all i really want is someone who is passionate and thinks more with his heart. Not that common sense is a bad thing, but it's all in what you do with it i guess.
Sean goes through phases were he needs spacem and then later on at nght, he wants me to shower him with affection. We used to have sex all the time, i wouldn't turn him down, even when i wasn't into it, or when i was way too tired. So I started to cut him off, and he got all pissy about it, He gets moody and brooding, he claims everything makes him feel sick. Once it was the coffee making him feel sick, and even the airconditioner supposedly makes him feel sick. he even checked it for cautions, because he thought chemically it might be making him sick.
He's hard to hang out with, We'll go out for drinks, and he'll then get really down, saying he's exhausted. He always feels bad, and he always wants to go home. I want to hang out with my friends on my own, but if i dont ask him to come, he gets angry, and thinks of a million reasons why i might not want him to come along.
Sean works at home and doesn't leave the house much, unless we're going to the gym, or running errands. HE's just so hard to deal with, but i think it's because he never goes out, or does anything.
He has this thing about money, he values it more than he does people sometimes. We always split dinner 50/50, and anytime he pays for any small thing, he holds it against me. He keeps a tab of what i owe him. He complains when i don't have alot of money to buy food, because he doesn't want to support me. I am not good enough for Sean. I am so sick of someone who is this tight with their money. my friends buy more for me than he does. My birthday present was a used futurama dvd set from half dot com, which came two weeks after my birthday. on my birthday, he was away in Cost Rica on vacation, he didn't call me. even my x bf called me. when i asked him why he didn't, he claimed that he was taking a vacation away from everyone.
Sean goes through phases were he needs spacem and then later on at nght, he wants me to shower him with affection. We used to have sex all the time, i wouldn't turn him down, even when i wasn't into it, or when i was way too tired. So I started to cut him off, and he got all pissy about it, He gets moody and brooding, he claims everything makes him feel sick. Once it was the coffee making him feel sick, and even the airconditioner supposedly makes him feel sick. he even checked it for cautions, because he thought chemically it might be making him sick.
He's hard to hang out with, We'll go out for drinks, and he'll then get really down, saying he's exhausted. He always feels bad, and he always wants to go home. I want to hang out with my friends on my own, but if i dont ask him to come, he gets angry, and thinks of a million reasons why i might not want him to come along.
Sean works at home and doesn't leave the house much, unless we're going to the gym, or running errands. HE's just so hard to deal with, but i think it's because he never goes out, or does anything.
He has this thing about money, he values it more than he does people sometimes. We always split dinner 50/50, and anytime he pays for any small thing, he holds it against me. He keeps a tab of what i owe him. He complains when i don't have alot of money to buy food, because he doesn't want to support me. I am not good enough for Sean. I am so sick of someone who is this tight with their money. my friends buy more for me than he does. My birthday present was a used futurama dvd set from half dot com, which came two weeks after my birthday. on my birthday, he was away in Cost Rica on vacation, he didn't call me. even my x bf called me. when i asked him why he didn't, he claimed that he was taking a vacation away from everyone.
My first thought was the same as King Mob's. Depression.
Wanted to send a quick hello and to wish you a wonderful week.