The new job training is in HICKSVILL Long Island. Seriously? I came from Nebraska, I'm trying to leave all things "Hick" behind. In all honesty it's rather amusing
What isn't amusing is the Long Island Expressway. Day one of the job started at 11, so I had a leisurely ride to work with minimal traffic. Today, work started at 9:45 so I pretty much was stuck in the stop. stop.. wait... go a little. stop.. traffic iceflow.
Thankfully It's only two weeks in Long Island (Just the training portion) and I'll be back to Manhattan to work
I'll fill everyone in more as time passes and I get comfortable in the new role.

What isn't amusing is the Long Island Expressway. Day one of the job started at 11, so I had a leisurely ride to work with minimal traffic. Today, work started at 9:45 so I pretty much was stuck in the stop. stop.. wait... go a little. stop.. traffic iceflow.
Thankfully It's only two weeks in Long Island (Just the training portion) and I'll be back to Manhattan to work

I'll fill everyone in more as time passes and I get comfortable in the new role.
I am 20 minutes from the City, so I go as often as possible. I love it.