hmm, dilemmas. i started seeing a boy. (totally dig him)

well, dug him, actually.
long story short. he was the ex of one of the other derby girls. they had been done-zo for over a year. they had even both dated other ppl in that time frame.
cut to me, newly single, sad-faced, etc. he swoops me up, is the nicest boy eva. and i even ask, yo, is your ex chill or should we not do this. naturally he tells me don't worry about it. i try not to.
fast forward a few weeks and we're getting attached. i mean, he calls me boo in front of the other derby chicks (not his 'bff' and ex though, she's always conveniently not around when we go on dates, and i'm chill with that.), he takes care of me after i fuck my ribs up on the cement wall at practice. he even helped me get zombified for zombie prom. <3 totally dig.
ex finds out. flips out. and proceeds to unfriend me on fb. as soon as this shit happened, i knew what was coming. he was going to be sad, she'd come back, demand he never sees me again, and that would all be peachy. they'd end up together but they're so wrong for each other it hasn't worked for them in the last 6 years of knowing each other, she just can't let him go. totally called it. to a 't'.. but the worse part is, i have no ill feelings for this girl. i figure, keep him. i like older men with their shit figured. he was not one of them, but i felt like he was good for me right now at this stage in my life. hard to explain, but more or less, a good time passer with feelings involved.
so she wants to talk, but backs out last minute. she thinks this is all my fault. ? and so she fb messages me some crazy shit. which she then calls to just yell at me about how i should have asked her permission (she had encouraged him to ask me out when she saw i was single?) and how i should never sleep with anyone from derby (but what is she doing now?) and how i need to apologize. well, in between her screaming at me on the phone, i tell her to calm down and she doesn't need to be crazy about this, it's just a misunderstanding. wooooooo, was that the wrong thing to say. i did say, i'm sorry you feel like i was being malicious to you, i wasn't. i felt like i could date who i want. and so did he. long story short, she doesn't want drama at derby. period. well. i think we managed that fairly well (if we were both 16).
so now i'm sitting here, in shock. this girl is 31 years old. and that just happened.
on the plus side, here are some zombie prom photos!

well, dug him, actually.
long story short. he was the ex of one of the other derby girls. they had been done-zo for over a year. they had even both dated other ppl in that time frame.
cut to me, newly single, sad-faced, etc. he swoops me up, is the nicest boy eva. and i even ask, yo, is your ex chill or should we not do this. naturally he tells me don't worry about it. i try not to.
fast forward a few weeks and we're getting attached. i mean, he calls me boo in front of the other derby chicks (not his 'bff' and ex though, she's always conveniently not around when we go on dates, and i'm chill with that.), he takes care of me after i fuck my ribs up on the cement wall at practice. he even helped me get zombified for zombie prom. <3 totally dig.
ex finds out. flips out. and proceeds to unfriend me on fb. as soon as this shit happened, i knew what was coming. he was going to be sad, she'd come back, demand he never sees me again, and that would all be peachy. they'd end up together but they're so wrong for each other it hasn't worked for them in the last 6 years of knowing each other, she just can't let him go. totally called it. to a 't'.. but the worse part is, i have no ill feelings for this girl. i figure, keep him. i like older men with their shit figured. he was not one of them, but i felt like he was good for me right now at this stage in my life. hard to explain, but more or less, a good time passer with feelings involved.
so she wants to talk, but backs out last minute. she thinks this is all my fault. ? and so she fb messages me some crazy shit. which she then calls to just yell at me about how i should have asked her permission (she had encouraged him to ask me out when she saw i was single?) and how i should never sleep with anyone from derby (but what is she doing now?) and how i need to apologize. well, in between her screaming at me on the phone, i tell her to calm down and she doesn't need to be crazy about this, it's just a misunderstanding. wooooooo, was that the wrong thing to say. i did say, i'm sorry you feel like i was being malicious to you, i wasn't. i felt like i could date who i want. and so did he. long story short, she doesn't want drama at derby. period. well. i think we managed that fairly well (if we were both 16).
so now i'm sitting here, in shock. this girl is 31 years old. and that just happened.
on the plus side, here are some zombie prom photos!

Nice zombie photos!