I'm ready to carve out 'don't touch me' on my forehead with a steak knife. I'm so fucking turned off by all the assholes and douche bags and tools and broskis that grab and touch. I have a brain. I have a life. I am a person.
Ask me a question, I have thoughts to share.
Maybe it's my own fault since I like to curl my eye lashes and apply perfume.
Or maybe it's just my culture.
I don't care. Don't touch me, you dick.
with that being said, I feel so much better.
Thanks for being witness to my rant. Let's end on a good note.
peace, bitches.
Takes a lot of nerve to just touch a girl, I hope you break their fingers
9.5 hours? Is that all? I'll let you move, settle in and then hit me up