So the new boy shall henceforth be referred to as "Jerk Face", and old pet name I've called him since I first knew him
Might be going to get some ink worked on today, we shall see...I'm a little nervous though as the cause of my recent anaphylactic shock episodes is due to something related to petroleum products, and petroleum products are used extensively in tattooing as we all know
Going to spend the evening with Jerk Face, watchin movies, and doing cutesie stuff, we'll see how it goes

Might be going to get some ink worked on today, we shall see...I'm a little nervous though as the cause of my recent anaphylactic shock episodes is due to something related to petroleum products, and petroleum products are used extensively in tattooing as we all know

Going to spend the evening with Jerk Face, watchin movies, and doing cutesie stuff, we'll see how it goes

Jerk Face has a nice ring to it.
Good luck with the inking.