Had a wonderful low-key evening with my possible love of my life last night. We met at our usual spot, had a beer, and then went to see some old co-workers at the bar where we worked when we met. It was really fun to walk in there TOGETHER for the first time ever and suprise everyone who hadn't seen him in 10 months. We took the puppy with us too, it was fun to have the wufter along. He rides with his head on my lap in the car and I just love it.
i adore the time we get together, it is just so far between though. also I know he is still emotionally attatched to the ex and I just don't want to be the rebound girl, not with him, you know? I don't get squishy for guys...ever, but I am definitely squishy for this one. He's beautiful to me.
Sorry I haven't updated for a while, I've been deathly sick, thanks to a death virus of doom, compliments of the boy-toy-of-doom. I swear something DIED in my lungs. Fucker.
Going out with 'Stin1 and Mo tonight, should be a BLAST as they are both a barrel of monkeys to be around. This is BIZARRE to have a Friday night off...However I'd trade it in a second for a night on the couch with the possible love of my life... *sigh*
i adore the time we get together, it is just so far between though. also I know he is still emotionally attatched to the ex and I just don't want to be the rebound girl, not with him, you know? I don't get squishy for guys...ever, but I am definitely squishy for this one. He's beautiful to me.
Sorry I haven't updated for a while, I've been deathly sick, thanks to a death virus of doom, compliments of the boy-toy-of-doom. I swear something DIED in my lungs. Fucker.
Going out with 'Stin1 and Mo tonight, should be a BLAST as they are both a barrel of monkeys to be around. This is BIZARRE to have a Friday night off...However I'd trade it in a second for a night on the couch with the possible love of my life... *sigh*
Not sure about submitting a set. I had a ton of fun putting these together, I really did. Maybe lol!
Glad you liked them!
Ah squishy feelings. Its been a while since i have had any of those.