Some people are butt heads!
So I got a lovely message from someone I have not talked to in 3 years.
"to be completely honest you with ( checks over shoulder for gf) and i am going to trust in ur discression, but i have always though you as rather attractive and it would be a lie to say i had not tried to imagine whats under the hood but when i saw that photo i was just embrassed for you, i mean i think highly of you and i feel that the manor of you photo distribution is beneath you ...."
I talked to him about it for a hour.. he cant see why I like to be nude(there is more then that but I will go into that some other day.) He told me that if I have kids they will hate me for it, that I will never get married, that I will never have a good job. just because of some nude photos. wow... I told him everything that I feel on it. but really? come on. He doesnt even know me.. I had one art class with him in high school and he used to hit on me all the time. Haha even my mom and dad know about it and they are ok with it. blah sorry for the rant.
So I got a lovely message from someone I have not talked to in 3 years.
"to be completely honest you with ( checks over shoulder for gf) and i am going to trust in ur discression, but i have always though you as rather attractive and it would be a lie to say i had not tried to imagine whats under the hood but when i saw that photo i was just embrassed for you, i mean i think highly of you and i feel that the manor of you photo distribution is beneath you ...."
I talked to him about it for a hour.. he cant see why I like to be nude(there is more then that but I will go into that some other day.) He told me that if I have kids they will hate me for it, that I will never get married, that I will never have a good job. just because of some nude photos. wow... I told him everything that I feel on it. but really? come on. He doesnt even know me.. I had one art class with him in high school and he used to hit on me all the time. Haha even my mom and dad know about it and they are ok with it. blah sorry for the rant.
What you're doing isn't a crime or a sin or a negative personality trait; it's somethihg that you obviously enjoy and makes you feel good about yourself.
If he can't see that then he's doing nothing more for you than bringing you down.
And, really, who needs more of that?
We've reached a point in our present culture where having some risque pictures on a website is the least horrible thing you could ever do for your future. This was clearly a case of one's upbringing clouding their common sense and better judgment. I've known you for years and there is so much more to everything that makes you wonderful and amazing besides the fact that we've seen you nude. The fact you know this means you've already won the battle.