Listening to the SUB HUM ANS on my boyfriends stereo makes me horny.
Time Flys + Rats has never sounded this good. Well, I've never heard it like this before.
I've never seen them live, and that makes me sad.
My new favorite morning routine:
blasting the SUB HUM ANS
and dancing my all time favorite band.....
i used to spend my mornings like this when I lived in Oregon. I forgot how good it feels.
So, Im still looking for another job. On Saturday, at work, one of our regulars asked me if he could pay me ten dollars an hour to clean his house during the week. I said I would love to, and he told me to call him Monday, which is today. Now, I am remebering how much I hate calling people I dont really know. I will call him later. Sure. Later.
All I want for my Birthday is a new job, that i like and that wont require me to take out my lip jewelry. Is that too much to ask? Thats it.....oh and maybe a new pyramid belt, since mine got stolen in front of the Pasadena court house.
Lets see.....what else?
Oh, my moms engaged to someone shes known for a month. and she's already treating him like shit.
I get to enroll for classes at PCC on November 16.
Hopefully, I will have a car by next weekend, and I'll get to give my brother's back to him
My cough went away. I knew switching to wides would work.
I've become obsessed with Battlestar Galactica
I am completely in love
Not looking forward to the holidays
and I am going to eat some breakfast.
hope all is well for everyone.
k, bye
Time Flys + Rats has never sounded this good. Well, I've never heard it like this before.
I've never seen them live, and that makes me sad.
My new favorite morning routine:
blasting the SUB HUM ANS
and dancing my all time favorite band.....
i used to spend my mornings like this when I lived in Oregon. I forgot how good it feels.
So, Im still looking for another job. On Saturday, at work, one of our regulars asked me if he could pay me ten dollars an hour to clean his house during the week. I said I would love to, and he told me to call him Monday, which is today. Now, I am remebering how much I hate calling people I dont really know. I will call him later. Sure. Later.
All I want for my Birthday is a new job, that i like and that wont require me to take out my lip jewelry. Is that too much to ask? Thats it.....oh and maybe a new pyramid belt, since mine got stolen in front of the Pasadena court house.
Lets see.....what else?
Oh, my moms engaged to someone shes known for a month. and she's already treating him like shit.
I get to enroll for classes at PCC on November 16.
Hopefully, I will have a car by next weekend, and I'll get to give my brother's back to him
My cough went away. I knew switching to wides would work.
I've become obsessed with Battlestar Galactica
I am completely in love
Not looking forward to the holidays
and I am going to eat some breakfast.
hope all is well for everyone.
k, bye