k, so here i am, i spent my day working for free, but thats okay cause i got to do it with some kick ass people and its gonna help me get off probation by april. i havnt been this happy in a long time...im being productive, i have a job, i pay my rent, and im in love. My dog is gonna die soon, but thats okay. its his time. my cat is bald, but thats okay too, his hair is gonna grow back. i think i should be doing something right now besides sitting at the computer, but i cant remember what it its so im gonna sit here a little longer till i remember. Oh yay, She Wants Revenge just came on the radio. this song makes me happy. k, bye

prepare yourself to be bombarded by perverts.
hole punching is not a vice, it's prayer.
you rock my world.
i'm going to smell your underwear now and try to sleep.
i love you!
k, bye.
p.s. check out casper's pictures from work
but know what you mean about this site