If you cannot appreciate something not beautiful what makes you think you are worthy of something that is beautiful? Life is always full of beautiful things; you just have to look for it within the person, place or thing. However to someone whose perspective is very black and white based only appreciates something that clearly is beautiful like a sunset. But then again its up to the viewer to decide what is beautiful or not. Someone could see a sunset and think it not beautiful while someone else will. It all comes down to perspective whether it is or isn't but if you pay close attention and are always positive you can find life and beauty in literally in all things. The same effort that a hater applies to his/her life an optimist applies to his/her life. How do people who love life live their life? Well they appreciate what they do have and look for the positivity in everything even if its small; the small things mean the most things. Its the same way a hater hates life; by finding everything thats wrong in life. Everything in life is as it is but its our judging mind that labels, pushes it into a clique and says "Well it isn't exactly like what it is because of this label." And where does that labeling come from? Are we even an original person? The answer is no. We're the accumulation of generations of hatred between one another. Someone taught us how to be and so we're a carbon copy of what others are. Nothing is original because that which is given was given to us from previous generations, society, people who inspire us and etc.
I'm learning, expanding, evolving so I like to post my own experience and thoughts as I go along with life. If I inspire people along the way then yay if not well at least what I'm good at is coming out to be shared.