I've decided I want dust off my camera to shoot a set for someone else! I edited my last set and feel like I've gotten pretty good with CS6, and I'm definitely confident now with my technical ability and my natural eye for composition. Now I just have to find some ladies in my area to shoot with lol 💖 If any girls in the Carolinas wants to shoot, hit me up!

I got a self timer that works really well off of amazon for not too much money. I have a Nikon but I'm sure you could find something similar for your camera! I will say though - self shooting can be time consuming! I've done mini sets, or just use it to practice posting, but getting a good shot takes a little longer since you have to go back and forth lol. But I think it's a nice option to have :)

@ekka I'll have to check Amazon and see what I can find for my nikon! I think I'll at least practice with the timer and post mini sets 😊