@rambo @missy @lyxzen
So this week's homework (which I've totes been slacking on) is to post about the things we collect. I was never into collecting things when I was younger. All of my friends would collect Barbie dolls and beanie babies and coins and pokemon cards, but I never saw the point. I thought, why would you buy all of that shit if you're not going to use it or play with it?
The exception to that rule would be my somewhat recent obsession with all things occult!
And really, it was buying my first deck of tarot cards that started it. Just walking into the metaphysical store that sold the particular deck I was looking for, the Aqaurian deck, I realized that I had walked into a whole new world of shit that I was going to be stuck in for a looong time. I was like a kid in a candy store. The atmosphere of the place was so positive an enchanting. There were gorgeous crystal clusters, druzy geodes, quartz points and tumbled stones glinting in the sunlight streaming through sandalwood incense smoke, darling little cauldrons, besoms, bells and chimes, oils, a wall of shelves that had every herb you could ever need, esoteric books and baubles, and a vast assortment of what I had gone in looking for- tarot cards.
When I left the store, my deck and a few crystals in tow, the rest is history. I now have collection of all things occult, including a few curio objects like apothecary bottles, animal bones, and preserved insects. The best part about it is that things I collect don't just sit and collect dust- I get to utilize just about everything I've collected over the past two years in divination and the occasional ritual. One of my favorite things is to just arrange everything on my altar just right, creating a collage of beautiful, natural objects to give the room just the right esoteric vibe! Lifts my spirits every time :)