I seen the new Camaro yesterday in the parking lot of our local bowling alley (odd, huh?)! *LOL* It was a V6, but it was beautiful!! Between the Mustang and the Camaro I really can't say which looks better, they are both so damn hot! Why couldn't have these came out BEFORE the economic crisis? SHEESSHH!!
Maybe a 300hp V6 Camaro will be my birthday present for myself next year? LOL. I'll dream

Maybe a 300hp V6 Camaro will be my birthday present for myself next year? LOL. I'll dream

Really? I know the new GT500 was basically a GT500KR with about $20,000 lopped off the pirce tag but I didn't think the other Mustangs were getting any more steroids. That's good news though. The New Challengers are getting better suspension packages but potential owners of those face the same issues as GM owners.
Also I heard a rumor (and I really hope its bobbycock!) that if GM doesn't get their bankruptcy right the whole line is getting axed including the new Camero. Only a couple of cars will be left behind like the volt or their new hybrid. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it's all bullshit.
No, she wont, she is trying "again" to fight for custody - like it she would ever get it, she is just being annoying, damn, she will never learn...besides, she just pawns her off on her roommates, she doesn't actually take care of her, she just pretends.