Well, my husband and I have had babies on the brain lately... It's been something I've been battling with for about 2 years now off and on, but I knew my husband wasn't ready for that kind of responsibility and we haven't been in the right financial position. Finally, I think we are in a good enough position to try to get pregnant, we'd probably be fairly tight for awhile but I think it could work. Both of our "rational" parts of our brains are telling us to wait, but our hearts are singing a different song. The biggest hurdle I think we really face right now is my existing stomach problems that I am having difficulty getting a hold of. I am trying to find another specialist to get a different opinion, my current doctor is useless and just doesn't care. I am off of work until July 1st so I can hopefully get my medical issues sorted out... So, after that gets resolved or I find out that it'll never be fixed - maybe we will try then? I can't risk becoming pregnant while I am having all these medications thrown at me... And honestly, the whole 2012 thing scares me, I'd hate to have a child and try to protect it from the chaos that is suppose to ensue. I am severely emotionally connected to my dog, with a child - I am sure that will be twelve fold!

At least you will be able to, and I will have another child to spoil that isnt my own.