I've always been the kind of person that feels that everything happens for a reason which leaves me wondering why my health is conitnuing to be non-existent.. I've gotten better, but I am still at maybe 60% and it's taken a month to get there.. I don't think I am in the condition to go to derby practice so I probably shouldn't go.. But then, I don't want to get completely out of shape and have to work ten times harder to get back to where I was.. It sucks. I am wondering if this is all happening because I am not suppose to be a derby girl? I was told by a doctor that I am quite crazy, if not stupid, for pursuing such a violent and dangerous sport due to my Arnold Chiari Malformation. According to the doctor, one good hit the rear of the upper neck and I could become paralyzed or die..... It was something I was concerned about since the beginning, but with all my physical ailments recently & me somehow missing the practices when someone has gotten severely hurt - I am wondering if it's a sign that I need to stop from pursuing this sport... I wonder if it's "a sign" ? I don't know.. It sucks to lose something that I enjoy so much, but sometimes the risks outweigh the benefits?
All the best. Nothing is worth suck a severe risk to your helath.

It may very well be that your recent health issues are a sign that you need to focus on getting yourself whole - and that this is NOT your true path. Take heed and find something else that challenges and enriches you.