Well, I can't find a car that tickles my fancy all around (physically, mechanically, and performance wise) so I will just hold on to the Miata for a little longer. Maybe I'll nabb a new Challenger when they come out?? Who knows ! *shrugs*
I mailed out Christmas cards today so expect them shortly.. Those in Cali should get it in about 3-4 days - all others, I have no clue!!
I just spent the past 45 minutes on the phone with Sprint trying to sign up for a phone and OMG!!!! I felt like I was running into a wall!!! *rips on hair* They said they are limited to zip codes so they had to give me a temporary zip that I can change when I get my phone.. He tried to sign me up for a plan I DIDN'T want.. If my bf and entire family didn't have them I would NOT have gone through all this.. SHEESH!!! He gave me a $50 credit to my account for being so cooperative, but christ! Anyone else go through this kind of crap??
I mailed out Christmas cards today so expect them shortly.. Those in Cali should get it in about 3-4 days - all others, I have no clue!!

I just spent the past 45 minutes on the phone with Sprint trying to sign up for a phone and OMG!!!! I felt like I was running into a wall!!! *rips on hair* They said they are limited to zip codes so they had to give me a temporary zip that I can change when I get my phone.. He tried to sign me up for a plan I DIDN'T want.. If my bf and entire family didn't have them I would NOT have gone through all this.. SHEESH!!! He gave me a $50 credit to my account for being so cooperative, but christ! Anyone else go through this kind of crap??
Oh snap! I rhymed!