Well, my ex ended up telling me who ran her mouth, which I knew he would. I've talked to the person and have expressed my feelings about the situation rationally. So, hopefully - this won't happen again.
So... on a nicer note..
Has anyone bought the Nintendo Wii ? How do ya like it ? Looks interesting..
If your bored, post 1 pic of your fave SG hotties! I am curious to see everyone's taste.
So... on a nicer note..
Has anyone bought the Nintendo Wii ? How do ya like it ? Looks interesting..
If your bored, post 1 pic of your fave SG hotties! I am curious to see everyone's taste.
well, you know im not a gamer, so im not getting one....hey im feeling back to my usualy self...hmm, whatscha doing this weekend anyway?...I took saturday off.
The Wii looks cool. I am going to buy one for my little cousin, Maybe for Chrsitmas, or for his birthday. We play games when he comes over to visit me. What do yo like about it?